Spruce Lodge Demolition

Snowshoe posted a few historic pictures of the mountain and they got me distracted to go see if I could find some more.  I wan’t too successful, but I did come across a little article about the old Spruce Lodge which sat in the way of the construction of Expedition Station.  It was originally built in the mid 1970’s and hosted nearly a million overnight guests before it was demolished in 2005.  

We looked at purchasing a unit at Expedition Station which was built in it’s place, but the studios just didn’t suit the way our family wanted to use a place at Snowshoe and the two bedroom ones were a bit out of our price range.  What was interesting was that according to the article, all 100 units sold out in less than four hours in early March of 2005 — for what I can only guess were double or more what they are selling for now.  It’s a very nice place, but we’re pretty glad we bought where we did at Mountain Lodge.  The common areas and the pride many of the owners take in theri units is pretty cool.  We also have one of the most financially sound and well managed homeowners association that wil keep the buiding in good shapre over the long term.  We know it’s not the fanciest place on the hill, but we argue that it’s probably one of the most comfortable!

Source:  DCSki.com and Snowshoe Mountain Resort Facebook