Official Snowshoe Webcams

Snowshoe finally got their act together and got an official webcam up on the mountain.  They have partnered with on the project and I think they’ve done a great job.  Link to the Live camera at Snowshoe’s official Site First of all...

How far do our guests travel to get to Snowshoe?

I thought it would be interesting to see where our guests at Mountain Lodge 160 all come from. So I plotted the city and states for each of our guests from the 2012-2013 ski season to check things out. From all the email communications, I knew that most of our guests...

Snowshoe Webcam Overview

Snowshoe does not have an official webcam [update:  YET!  They announced on facebook tha they are working on some for this year!  Great News], although they’ve said they are looking at options for this year.  I’ve heard rumors that they...

Historic Trail Maps of Snowshoe

Found copies of these maps the other day and wanted to share them.  I lover to see how a mountain has grown over the years.  Click for full size copies of these images.  Source: From 1980 From 1990